Second High Level Meeting
of the Africa-EU Energy Partnership
Taking the Next Step
“Africa and the EU are tackling energy challenges together”
11-13 February 2014
AUC headquarters, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
The Second High-Level Meeting (HLM) of the Africa-EU Energy Partnership (AEEP) took place from 11-13 February 2014 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on the theme “Taking the Next Step: Africa and the EU are tackling energy challenges together.” The meeting was jointly hosted by the Ethiopian Government, the Governments of Austria, Germany and Mauritius, and the African and European Co-Chairs of the AEEP: the African Union Commission (AUC) and the European Commission. Organization of the meeting was under the responsibility of the EU Energy Initiative Partnership Dialogue Facility (EUEI PDF), which serves as the AEEP Secretariat.
The meeting was attended by over 450 African and European political and business leaders, high-level experts and heads of international energy institutions, as well as members of civil society, the private sector and the research community, who gathered to review progress in implementing the AEEP 2020 Targets and discuss how to shape future Africa-EU relations in the energy sector.
The Second AEEP HLM was organized in three broad segments. On the first day, delegates participated in pre-meeting side events organized by diverse stakeholders to discuss experiences, tools and approaches for enhancing energy access in Africa. The HLM officially opened on the second day, during which delegates convened in an “Expert Day” to showcase the achievements of African and European partners in the context of the AEEP 2020 Targets. During the high-level Ministerial segment that took place on the third day, energy ministers reviewed the AEEP’s achievements since the first HLM and explored how to improve cooperation between the policy and business sectors in order to attract and substantially accelerate private investments to meet the AEEP 2020 Targets. An exhibition showcasing technological innovations by diverse energy stakeholders also took place in parallel to the HLM.
During the closing session of the Ministerial Segment participants approved the “Addis Ababa Communiqué,” which defines the Partnership’s priorities and vision for African-European collaboration on energy affairs. The Communiqué contains nine recommendations for accelerating access to sustainable energy on both continents and achieving the AEEP Targets, as well as four key messages to be forwarded to African and EU Heads of State and Government at the EU-Africa Summit in April 2014.
Conference Summary, English, PDF 1.1 MB
Summary and pictures are provided by IISD Reporting Services.
For full summary and more pictures, please check the IISD website.
The Second High Level Meeting (2nd HLM) of the Africa-EU Energy Partnership (AEEP) will be hosted jointly by the Ethiopian government and the African Union Commission (AUC). In accordance with the First High-level Meeting in Vienna in September 2010, the 2nd AEEP HLM envisages participation of African and European Ministers, AU and EU Commissioners, and more than 400 other high-level participants such as policy-makers, representatives from regional institutions, international organisations, the banking and finance industry, the private sector, academia, the civil society, as well as the media.
The main objectives of the 2nd AEEP HLM are to
- Highlight the unique nature and success story of the Africa-EU Cooperation on energy, and;
- Catalyse commitment and action towards meeting the future energy challenges facing the two continents.
12 Feb will be dedicated to showcasing the achievements of the African and European partners in the context of the 2020 Targets of the AEEP and host discussions on a number of topics crucial to the development of efficient and sustainable energy markets in Africa.
The high level segment on day two will be directed towards shaping a forward-looking vision for the AEEP and to delivering concrete results for the successful continuation of this strategic partnership between the African and the European Unions, such as:
- The “Addis Ababa Declaration” defining the partnership’s priorities and vision for African-European collaboration on energy affairs;
- A Message to the 4th Africa-EU Summit in April 2014, positioning the AEEP as a strategic EU-African channel for policy dialogue and catalyser for energy-related initiatives at a continental and global level;
- The “AEEP 2020 Activity Portfolio”, presenting the actions and programmes from all African and European stakeholders towards the AEEP Targets.
In addition, there will be a “Business and Policy Leaders Round-Table” on 13 Feb that is set to foment a dynamic discussion between high profile European and African business personalities and senior policy makers in the energy sector.
The AEEP 2nd High Level Meeting will provide an opportunity to strengthen the visibility of African and European efforts directed at tackling hand-in-hand the continents’ energy challenges. It will create momentum for continued and enhanced cooperation under the established framework of the Africa-EU Energy Partnership.
Official invitations including more detailed information on the programme and logistics will follow soon.
Should you wish to early indicate your interest to attend the 2nd High-level Meeting of the AEEP or in case of any questions, please contact the AEEP Secretariat: secretariat[at]

New Documents
Addis Ababa Communiqué
Addis Ababa Communiqué
English, PDF 236 kB
Conference Summary by IISD
English, PDF 1.1 MB
Press Releases
Reforming Sectors Key to Spurring Renewable Energy Growth by AEEP Young Journalists
13 Feb 2014
Energy challenges and opportunities facing Europe and Africa in the 21st Century by AEEP Young Journalists
13 Feb 2014
Empowering Africa AEEP-Status Report highlights first achievements and triggers further tasks by AEEP Young Journalists
13 Feb 2014
English, PDF 165 kB
français, PDF 197 kB
Energy experts at AEEP conference: Mini-grid policy toolkit to inform and inspire policy frameworks for investment in mini-grids by AEEP Young Journalists
12 Feb 2014
English, PDF 111 kB
français, PDF 196 kB
Energy experts refer to the civil society’s role as being “strategic” for the promotion of renewable energies in Africa by AEEP Young Journalists
11 Feb 2014
English, PDF 198 kB
français, PDF 196 kB
Providing Access to Energy for 100 million Africans
8 Feb 2014 Ministers from Africa and EU combatting energy poverty together
English, PDF, 628 kB
français, PDF, 637 kB
English/français, PDF, 8.9 MB

High Level Participants
HE Christian Schmidt

High Level Participants
HE Andreas Melan

High Level Participants
HE Alemayehu Tegenu

High Level Participants
HE Ambassador Gary Quince

High Level Participants
HE Etienne Dieudonné Ngoubou

High Level Participants
HE Ali Mohammed Mherig

High Level Participants
HE Emma Françoise Isumingabo

High Level Participants
Adnan Amin

High Level Participants
Jacob Waslander

High Level Participants
Dr Kandeh K. Yumkella

High Level Participants
Klaus Rudischhauser

High Level Participants
HE Alhaji Randolph Bayoh

High Level Participants
HE Elham Ibrahim

High Level Participants
Tamsyn Barton

High Level Participants
HE Panagiotis G. Mihalos

High Level Participants
HE John Jinapor

High Level Participants
HE Côme Manirakiza

High Level Participants
HE Barthélémy Dahoga Kassa

High Level Participants
HE Henri Ossebi

AEEP HLM Secretariat
David Otieno
Phone +49 / 6196 / 79 1667